Filippo Ieraci Quintet

Being a musician has always involved traveling both for work reasons but also and above all to experience different people and cultures, which can enrich an artist from a human point of view and make him or her flexible and open for deeper artistic production. The health crisis between 2019 and 2020 forced musicians (and not only) from all over the world to stop. The musicians involved in this project found themselves in their home town after returning from disparate corners of the world. It was wonderful to work again with people I have known for a long time but with whom I had not been able to collaborate due to the distance. Everyone brought their own experience and expertise gained over time to this group.

Filippo Ieraci (guitar),

Emanuele Filippi (piano),

Giovanni Cigui (alto saxophone)

Simone Serafini (double bass),

Jacopo Zanette (drums),